If your destination is Luxembourg or you are transiting this country, you need to know details about how to purchase a Luxembourg vignette.
If you choose to visit this country with your own car, we have good news for you: the Luxembourg vignette is free and you do not need it to drive on Luxembourg’s roads.
However, if you carry out a transport in Luxembourg or transit this country with a truck of at least 12 tons, you will need to purchase a Luxembourg vignette.
We will present everything you need to know about the Luxembourg vignette in this article.

Free Luxembourg car vignette
Similar to the system in the Netherlands, Luxembourg does not require the purchase of a Luxembourg vignette for small cars, and therefore, you can travel for free on the roads and highways of Luxembourg by car.
At the same time, there are no other Luxembourg road taxes.
This is considered a remarkable advantage that spares you the extra cost and hassle of purchasing vignettes online or physically.
Vignette Luxembourg trucks against cost
If you drive heavy vehicles of 12 tonnes or more, you are required to purchase a Luxembourg vignette if you drive on Luxembourg roads and motorways.
This tax imposed by Luxembourg is called a Eurovignette and can be purchased online.
Exceptions to Luxembourg vignette taxation are the means of transport for people under the 12-ton weight limit, namely coaches and buses.
In the continuation of the article, you will find out everything you need to know about how you can purchase a Luxembourg vignette.
How much does a Luxembourg truck vignette cost?
The payment for the Luxembourg vignette varies according to:
- Number of axles;
- Period of validity;
- Pollution class.
The highest price for the Luxembourg vignette is for EURO 0 vehicles with 4 axles, namely 62 Euros for one month.
Prices for one-year validity start for EURO 6 vehicles with 1-3 axles from 750 Euro and can reach up to 2400 Euro for EURO 0 vehicles with at least 4 axles.
In the case of purchasing a vignette valid between one and 3 days, the price is 12 euros for any type of vehicle.
Careful! Pay attention to the period for which you purchase the Eurovignette if you have a return route through Luxembourg.
Luxembourg vignette
Another advantage of the Luxembourg vignette is that it is an electronic vignette and you don’t have to stick anything on the windshield.
After purchasing it, your car will be registered in an electronic database for the entire period you have purchased it.
The Luxembourg vignette can be purchased for a maximum of one year and a minimum of one day. You can buy it anytime before you hit the road.
Careful! The Luxembourg vignette cannot be purchased retroactively.

How do you buy a Luxembourg vignette online?
The simplest and fastest way to purchase a Luxembourg vignette is online, via eurovignette.eu, and the purchase time is very short.
To complete the information on the site, you must carefully review the following data:
- the country in which the vehicle is registered;
- registration number, exactly as in the registration certificate, with all spaces included;
- the number of axles;
- vehicle pollution norm.
To choose the validity period of the vignette, you must keep in mind that you can choose between a minimum of one day and a maximum of one year.
One thing to look out for is receiving payment confirmation for the Luxembourg vignette to make sure the payment has been made and you won’t have any problems.
Careful! Payment is made in euros!
Luxembourg vignette purchased from customs
If you didn’t have time to purchase the Luxembourg vignette online or you prefer to pay it physically, you can do so upon entering the country, at the customs points.
There is also an advantage here, in case you do not have enough time to go online to buy it or you are not informed in advance about the types of taxes applied in Luxembourg.
Therefore, inform yourself carefully in advance about the road taxes you have to pay for each country in which you drive.
A list of all sales points can be found here.
To find out about road taxes in the countries of Europe, go here to find out about each one.
Careful! Payment is made in euros!
Luxembourg vignette fine
The fine for non-payment of the Luxembourg vignette is payable on the spot.
The purchase of this Eurovignette is verified by mobile cameras on the ground or by police checks.
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