Vigneta Cehia 2025

Are you planning a vacation in Prague or just passing through the Czech Republic?

Are you a carrier and don’t know the best way to pay road taxes in the Czech Republic?

You still find all the information you need depending on the type of trip and your needs.

Before we answer all the questions you have when it comes to the vignette in the Czech Republic, we note that on January 1, 2021 this country introduced the system of electronic vignettes for cars (vehicles not exceeding 3.5 tons) which makes the purchase process much easier.

The current system of electronic vignettes successfully replaces the old system where you had to place a sticker on the windshield of your vehicle, this system being similar to the one in Bulgaria.

In the case of fellow carriers (trucks and buses), the process of paying road tolls in the Czech Republic is carried out with the help of electronic automatic payment equipment called Myto Cz Box.

If you are interested in reading more information related to this Myto Cz gear, read the article to the end.

Where can I buy the Czech vignette?

The authorities in the Czech Republic offer to people who want to obtain the vignette 3 methods that apply only to cars, these are:

Buy the Czechia vignette online

The simplest and easiest way to purchase a vignette for the Czech Republic is to use their official platform

The purchase of the vignette is done quickly by following the 7 points below:

    • Selectezi țara de înmatriculare a autotusitmului tău și introduci numărul de înmatriculare;

    • Selectezi data de la care să înceapă propriu-zis perioada de valabilitate a vignetei;

    • Alegi tipul de vignetă dorit în funcție de perioada de valabilitate (10 zile, 1 lună, 1 an);

    • Introduci adresa ta de e-mail pentru a primi toate informațiile la finalizarea achiziției;

    • Foarte important – poți opta pentru a primi notificare atunci când îți expiră vigneta bifând căsuța dedicată;

    • Alegi modalitatea de plată: prin card sau prin transfer bancar;

    • Agreezi termenii & condițiile și accesezi secțiunea de plată.

Pay close attention to the lei – Czech crown (CZK) payment rate.

Even though the Czech Republic is part of the EU, it has not switched to the euro, so all the payments you are about to make will be in the Czech crown.

Always check what the currency is valued at at the time of purchase by the bank so there are no surprises later. (there can be big exchange rate differences and thus you pay more for the Czech Republic vignette than it normally costs).

To pay the Czech vignette online, make sure you have activated the online card payment option.

If you pay for the Czech vignette with your bank card, you will receive confirmation by email almost instantly and you can set off safely on the road.

On the other hand, if you choose the bank transfer to pay the Czech vignette, the confirmation can come even after 5 days.

Physical points of sale

Vignettes in the Czech Republic can be purchased from over 3,000 points of sale that you will find here or here.

Vignettes in the Czech Republic can be purchased from over 3,000 points of sale that you will find here or here.

The best place to buy the vignette is at EuroOil fuel stations which you will find very often in the Czech Republic or at post offices.

Self-service points for the Czech Republic vignette located at the border

The self-service jukeboxes are a combination of the online purchase of vignettes and the physical purchase at the points of sale.

The benefits of these self-service jukeboxes are that they are located at every entrance in the Czech Republic, you can pay quickly with your bank and the machine is available in several languages.

If you want to find the points where you can find these jukeboxes, access this link.

How do you pay the Czech vignette with the help of self-service jukeboxes?

    1. Selectezi limba în care informațiile vor fi afișate.
    2. Selectezi tipul de vignetă dorit  (pentru 1 an, 30 de zile sau 10 zile)
    3. Introduci numărul de pe plăcuța de imatriculare și țara de înregistrare a vehiculului.
    4. Selectezi data de început a valabilității vignetei electronice.
    5. Poți să alegi în final să revendici prețul special pentru vehiculele Eco (pentru vehicule alimentate cu gaz natural GNC sau biometan).
    6. Plătește și ești gata de plecare.

What you need to know when buying the Czech vignette online…

If you purchase an electronic vignette from a point of sale and then find out that you have filled in some data incorrectly, don’t panic! You can change incorrect data at the point of sale within a maximum of 15 minutes.

Buy the vignette now and drive later. The 3 types of online Czech vignettes (10 days, 30 days, annual) can be bought 3 months in advance.

Buy the Czech Republic vignette now, drive later. The start of validity of all three types of electronic vignettes can be delayed by three months from the date of purchase.

If you enter your email address during the online purchase of the vignette you will receive an expiration notification when it approaches its expiration date.

Vigneta Czechia 2025

How much does the Czech Republic vignette cost in 2025?

In the Czech Republic the price of a vignette differs depending on its validity period, the prices below apply to vehicles with a maximum weight of 3.5 tons.

PeriodStandard priceEco price
1 year1.500 CZK (~ 61 euro)750 CZK (~30,66 euro)
30 days440 CZK (~18 euro)220 CZK (~8,99 euro)
10 days310 CZK (~12,67 euro)155 CZK (~6,34 euro)

If your car is powered by natural gas (CNG) or biomethane, you will pay 50% less for the vignette because an EcoPrice will apply.

Attention, the discount for the Czech vignette does not apply to LPG cars.

Vigneta Czechia 2025

Exceptions to payment – Vigneta Czechia

Unlike other European countries, the Czech Republic has chosen to “reward” ECO vehicle users with the exemption from paying the vignette.

A list of all types / situations when vehicles are exempt from paying the vignette can be found below:

    • Motocicletele;

    • Mașinile tractate;

    • Mașinile electrice;

    • Mașinile alimentate cu hidrogen (condiția să nu depășească emisiile CO2 cu 50g/km);

    • Mașinile de eopcă;

    • Mașinile care transporta copii cu diverse probleme de sănătate;

If you meet any of these exceptions, you can apply and send to the Czech authorities a form for exemption from payment of the vignette by email to the address:

You can fill out the form here: fill out the form.

Czech road tolls for trucks and buses…

Trucks and buses driving on toll roads in the Czech Republic pay tolls using an automatic payment device generically called Myto CZ, which is installed on board the car.

The Czech toll price is charged according to the number of kilometers and is calculated based on the following criteria:

    • categoria de drumuri (autostrăzi; drumuri de categoria I)

    • categoria vehiculelor (vehicule din sistemul electronic de taxare cu excepția vehiculelor din categoriile M2 și M3; vehicule din categoriile M2 și M3)

    • clase de emisii ale vehiculelor (EURO 0 până la clasa EURO IV; EEV; clasa; clasa CNG-BIO)

    • greutatea maximă admisibilă a unui vehicul sau a unei combinații de vehicule (categoria de vehicule: peste 3,5 t – 7,5 t, categoria de vehicule: 7,5 t – 12 t, categoria de vehicule: peste 12 t.

    • numărul de axe ale unui vehicul sau ale unei combinații de vehicule (2 axe; 3 axe; 4 axe; 5 sau mai multe axe)

    • perioada zilei (tarif zi – de la 05:00 la 21:59; tarif de noapte – de la 22:00 la 04:59).

You can make an estimate based on the vehicle and the distance traveled here.

Czech road tax rates are currently 14 cents/km, depending on the pollution class and the number of axles. Tolls are composed of axle categories and EURO classes.

Payment options via Myto CZ OBU

Payment can be made in PrePaid mode at any of the following locations:

    • La oricare din cele peste 210 puncte de vânzare folosind un card bancar sau un card de combustibil.

    • Prin aplicația mobile MYTO VZ.EU (varianta Android) din păcare nu au și o variantă iOS.

    • Prin transfer bancar în contul operatorului de sistem deschis la Banca Națională Cehă.


The prerequisite for issuing a Myto CZ OBU electronic device is to load the account with at least 1,000 CZK (200 lei).

If you visit the Czech Republic often, Post-Paid payment is probably the best option for you. You can easily make this payment via a fuel card.

The list of accepted fuel cards is available in the following table:

Fuel card editorPrefix accepted
Benzine70827411, 70827412, 70827413, 70827491, 70827461, 70827462, 70827463, 70827490, 70827419
DKV704310, 977044
E100700523, 782546
LogPay707842, 708175
MOL70800560, 70800562, 70800592, 70800512, 70800532, 70800572, 70800542, 70800522, 78969012 
MSTS Tolls7083
OMV710101, 710102, 710103, 710104, 710105, 710106, 710109, 710110, 710111, 710714
ROUTEX-BP700670 – 700699, 720100 – 720119
ROUTEX-Circle K704470 – 704499
ROUTEX-ENI710200 – 710214
Shell Card7077, 7002
TOTAL/AS24 Eurotrafic7113
UTA706000, 706080, 636200, 636201
WAG789663803, 789663810, 789663011, 789663012, 789663010, 789663020, 789663030, 789663040, 789663050, 789663060, 789663070, 789663080, 789663100

How can I get the Myto CZ On Board Unit (OBU)?

MYTO CZ equipment is free of charge and can be purchased against a guarantee paid to the Czech toll operator in the amount of approximately 2468 CZK (100 EUR) per OBU.

It can be easily obtained by accessing the following list of distribution points: list of points of sale.

How to mount the Myto CZ on-board unit (OBU)?

The OBU Myto CZ must be installed on the inside of the windshield in the lower area between the steering column and the central part of the vehicle, so that it is not covered by wipers or other objects (for example, stickers) and does not limit in the driver’s field of vision while driving.

Electronic equipment cannot be mounted in the area of storage compartments or moving elements, for example in the area of the airbag covers.

The electronic equipment is mounted on the inside of the windshield with the help of suction cups fixed on the removable part of the housing of the Myto CZ equipment.

The connection to the vehicle’s power source is made by means of a cable that connects to the cigarette lighter socket or another socket with the same mechanical specification.

Instructions for connecting the electronic device to the fixed installation

(When connecting the electronic device for a fixed set, do not unscrew the blind plugs on the electronic device, use the free socket left after the power cord has been removed).émelektronickéhomýtnehoČR

In which currency can the Czech vignette be paid?

Even though the Czech Republic is also part of the European Union, the payment of the vignette is made in the national currency, namely the Czech crown (CZK).

If you buy the vignette online or physically at the bank terminals (POS) with your bank card, it is good to know that it is not mandatory to have a card in crowns (CZK), you can just as well pay in lei, forints, euros, etc.

Great attention to the lei – czk payment rate. Always check with your bank how much the currency is valued at the time of purchase to avoid surprises later.

Our recommendations for paying road taxes in the Czech Republic:

    • Ai grijă la plățile fizice utilizând terminalele bancare (POS), asigură-te că banca ta acceptă plata cu cardul în țările străine.

    • Dacă achiziționezi vinieta online asigură-te că ai activat opțiunea de plată online cu cardul.

Do I need a vignette in the Czech Republic for the trailer as well?

Trailers with a total weight of up to and including 3.5 tons, towed by a car, do not need their own vignette.

How much is a vignette fine in the Czech Republic?

The Czech Police and the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic will carry out checks by scanning the license plate numbers to see if the vehicle has a valid vignette or is exempt.

The check is carried out using patrol cars equipped with special cameras for scanning license plates, checks at rest areas / parking lots and by connecting to control gates.

If you have omitted to buy a vignette you will receive a fine, it differs depending on the type of vehicle as follows.

For cars (vehicles up to 3.5 tons)

If you have omitted to buy a vignette the fines are between 20,000 CZK (~4,000 lei) and 100,000 CZK (~20,000 lei), as follows:

    • Un șofer care se află pe un drum cu taxă fără o vignetă electronică valabilă (fără a fi scutit) riscă o amendă de până la 20.000 CZK. (~4.000 lei)

    • Dacă depui o notificare de scutire a plății vignetei fără a avea dreptul la scutire, amenda poate ajunge până la 100.000 CZK. (~20.000 lei)

    • Dacă o mașină este eligibilă pentru scutire, dar șoferul nu a depus avizul în ciuda faptului că legea o cere, amenda poate ajunge până la 5.000 CZK. (~1.000 lei)

    • Aceeași amendă se poate aplica și celor care nu anunță încetarea dreptului la scutire în termen de 10 zile lucrătoare.

For heavy vehicles (trucks, buses)

The most common incidents for which a carrier is fined in the Czech Republic are:

    • Utilizarea unui vehicul care nu este echipat cu un dispozitiv electronic MYTO CZ;

    • Utilizarea vehicul fără introducerea datelor în dispozitivul electronic sau introducerea incorect a datelor;

    • Folosirea unui drum cu taxă cu un vehicul neînregistrat la operatorul sistemului de taxare electronică;

    • Nerespectarea ordinului unui polițist sau vamal de a verifica funcționarea dispozitivului electronic și plata taxei de trecere;

    • Manipularea dispozitivului electronic în mod ilegal;

On the official website, it is NOT clearly specified how much you will be fined if you have committed one of the 5 incidents above, but we can consider the range of 20,000 – 100,000 CZK (4,000 – 20,000 lei) also specified in the case of passenger cars.

I was caught without a Czech vignette, what do I do?

Either you immediately pay the fine on the spot, in case “you are lucky” and were stopped in traffic by the control bodies, or you will receive the fine by mail to the address where you live. Payment is made following the instructions on the envelope.

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