Most drivers already know that when driving in the country or abroad, they must expect to receive traffic fines if they break the law. Some of them break the rules knowingly, others unknowingly, and the fine arrives promptly almost every time, and many drivers want to know where foreign traffic fines are paid.
Especially when they are driving abroad, the problems could mean not only receiving the fine itself, but also various other important things. Those who have been in this situation, whether they drove a personal car or one belonging to the company where they are employed, recommend everyone to quickly pay the contravention, otherwise the increase in the amount of the fine will be avoided, but also to benefit from the possibility of to pay only half the amount owed.
In the article below you will discover where traffic fines are paid from abroad, but also some useful solutions and tips to pay them much more easily, especially when it comes to carriers with dozens of employees who travel through many countries of the world.
1. Where traffic fines are paid from abroad
Anyone who chooses to drive abroad must expect the possibility of receiving a fine for irregularities on public roads. In the European Union, the legislation stipulates that each country recognizes and applies the traffic penalties of another member state, and the fine received by the driver will certainly arrive in good time, by post, at home. The notice will include the amount and the manner in which the driver can pay it.
Traffic fines received abroad, in countries other than those in the European Union, can be paid on the spot or by postal order. It is best to pay on the territory of the respective country, in this way avoiding various inconveniences that could occur when crossing the border or possible penalties.
However, for these states it is useful to know the legislation regarding the payment of fines, as there is no consensus.
For example, for Great Britain, those who violate traffic laws no longer receive the fine at home, by mail, because this country is no longer in the European Union. The payment term is 28 days, with the possibility of reducing the amount if the fine is paid within 14 days.
Most fines can be paid online, but there are other payment methods. Another example is paying the fine in Turkey. The contravention can be paid online, but also at the bank, tax agencies or accredited institutions. It is important to know that the payment can also be made at the border.
2. Solutions and useful tips for paying traffic fines from abroad easily
Carriers and companies with dozens of employees who drive through many countries must definitely consider the easiest solutions for paying traffic fines received by their drivers. One of the most common problems they face is the payment of road tolls, which is often completely forgotten.
An excellent solution is the ticketing system, which calculates the costs, paying them directly from the user’s account. Thus, carriers avoid the fine, quickly and easily paying exactly the amount they owe on international roads. Other benefits of this system are:
- it is paid only for the distances covered;
- the status of the user’s account is constantly checked;
- allows to change the route without depending on the tolls;
- the route is recorded and the tolls are paid automatically.
More and more countries around the world have started using video cameras to monitor traffic, so driver mistakes are not easily overlooked. If a traffic violation has been registered, the fine can become a harsh reality, depending on the amounts received. Fines are paid in cash, by bank transfer or using a card, saving the driver from having to make the appropriate currency exchange.
In conclusion, paying traffic fines abroad is quite simple when it comes to the area of the European Union, but the situation changes if the driver receives such a contravention outside this area.

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