Probably many of you have already heard about the government’s decision to grant state aid to transporters of 50 money/liter of diesel.
The spokesperson of the Executive, Dan Cărbunaru, announced that approximately 3,000 road transporters of goods and people will benefit from a state aid scheme of 300 million lei to balance the fuel price increase.
The amount of state aid for transporters is 50 bani per liter of fuel, but no more than 400,000 euros per enterprise, equivalent in lei.
A.R.R. will make available to transporters starting from 27.06.2022, the computerized system for the administration of the state aid scheme for the submission of compensation applications and accompanying documents.
State aid will be granted to carriers licensed in Romania or in other European Union member states, who carry out road transport of goods on their own account, for a fee, or local public transport, including passenger transport, on a regular basis.
State aid decisions for carriers will be issued by 31.12.2022, and actual payment can be made by 31 July 2023, inclusive.
Official announcement of state aid for transporters of 50 money per liter of fuel

The conditions under which you can benefit from the state aid for transporters of 50 money per liter of fuel
Carriers who meet the following conditions are eligible:
- They are licensed in Romania or in other member states of the European Union;
- I own at least one eligible vehicle;
- Carriers established in Romania must not appear inactive according to the provisions of the Fiscal Procedure Code or be temporarily inactive, registered in the Trade Register and not benefit from other compensations for the transport activity carried out with eligible vehicles, except for those carrying out transport local public;
- No state aid recovery decisions were issued against them or, if such decisions were issued, they were implemented according to the legal provisions in force;
- Fuels the vehicles from the distribution stations of the economic operators or from the tanks for their own consumption;
- Not in bankruptcy, foreclosure, dissolution, operational closure or liquidation;
- They have not applied for other types of state aid for the same costs;
- Carriers licensed in other member states of the European Union must submit a declaration on their own responsibility that they carry out road transport of goods on their own account, as well as a list of eligible vehicles used for road transport of goods for a fee, road transport of goods on their own account and hold a Community license also for the transport of persons.
How to apply for compensation
State aid can be requested based on an application, submitted to the Romanian Road Authority, for all vehicles owned during the quarter for which compensation is requested, starting from the first day of the quarter following the one for which state aid is requested.
The category of admitted expenses includes invoices issued 30 working days before the publication of the decision in the Official Gazette.
The Ministry of Finance, the National Agency for Fiscal Administration and the Romanian Road Authority – A.R.R., through the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, will conclude a collaboration protocol for the transmission of information on carriers, necessary for the evaluation of the request.
Documents required for submitting the application for the state aid scheme
As we said above, in order to request state aid, transporters submit to the scheme administrator a request for compensation of the fuel price increase, according to the model in annex no. 1.
The request for state aid must be accompanied by the following documents, submitted in electronic format:
- copy of the fiscal registration certificate/VAT registration;
- copy of the contract/contracts concluded/concluded with the issuer of the supply management card or with the issuer of the transmitter/receiver ring, as the case may be;
- copy of the proof of possession of the electronic disperser for distribution provided for in art. 5 para. (1) lit. f) point (ii), in the case of economic operators established in Romania;
- self-responsible declaration from which it follows that they meet the conditions provided for in art. 5 para. (1) lit. c) and d);
- self-responsible declaration from which it follows that they meet the conditions provided for in art. 5 para. (1) lit. he);
- the self-responsible declaration regarding the classification of the enterprise in the category of small and medium-sized enterprises, provided in annex no. 1 to Law no. 346/2004 on the stimulation of the establishment and development of small and medium-sized enterprises, with subsequent amendments and additions, or, as the case may be, a self-responsible declaration from which it follows that the economic operator is not included in the category of small and medium-sized enterprises;
- if the vehicles are supplied from the distribution stations of economic operators registered according to Law no. 227/2015, with the subsequent amendments and additions, as energy product retailers, a centralizing bill of quantities of fuel supplied by each eligible vehicle separately, drawn up according to the model provided in annex no. 2, as well as copies of the fuel purchase invoices, issued by the distribution stations or by third parties. The receipt is drawn up on the basis of the information from the fuel purchase invoices and from the annexes to the invoices;
- if the vehicles are refueled from their own fuel tanks, a centralizing slip of the quantities of fuel supplied by each eligible vehicle separately, drawn up according to the model in annex no. 2, as well as copies of fuel purchase invoices. This slip is drawn up based on the information stored on the electronic storage units provided for in art. 5 para. (1) lit. f) point (ii);
- copy of the document showing the holding of the account type 50.70 “Available from subsidies and transfers” opened at the State Treasury unit in whose radius the company has its fiscal domicile, for economic operators established in Romania, or the bank account, for economic operators established in other member states;
- copies of the waybills – C.M.R. provided in the Convention on the contract for the international road transport of goods on roads, related to the transports for which compensation is requested, in the case of economic operators established in other member states who carry out road transport of goods on their own account.
- Fuel purchase invoices must contain the information provided by Law no. 227/2015, with subsequent amendments and additions.
- Invoices for fuel supplies and their annexes are usually issued by the distribution stations, in the situation where the supply management cards or transmitter/receiver rings are managed by these stations. If the supply management cards or transmitter/receiver rings are not managed by the distribution stations, but by third parties, they will issue the invoices for the fuel supplies and their attachments.
- In the case of economic operators that supply directly from the distribution stations of economic operators registered according to Law no. 227/2015, with subsequent amendments and additions, as energy product retailers, at least the following information must be written on the appendices to the invoices: fueling station, date of fueling, registration number of the fueled vehicle, identification number of the supply management card or, as the case may be, of the sender/receiver ring, the amount of fuel supplied expressed in liters per vehicle, the number of kilometers recorded on board the vehicle at the time of supply.
- Fuel purchase invoices cannot by themselves constitute a justification of consumption for the granting of state aid.
Supporting documents for state aid must be kept for 10 years
Those who benefit from state aid will have to keep certain documents for 10 years, otherwise a fine of 5,000 – 10,000 lei can be received.
Documents that must be kept if you apply for state aid:
- the store sheets for each tank for own consumption held at their fueling points, the consumption receipts from each fueling of the eligible vehicles in that tank. They must have at least the following information: date of refueling, registration number of the fueled vehicle, quantity of fuel fueled expressed in liters per vehicle, number of kilometers recorded on board at the time of fueling;
- tachograph records from the first and last day of the quarter for which the application for state aid is submitted;
- the documents certifying the right to own the vehicles for which the right to state aid is granted;
- sales, export, destruction documents for all vehicles whose consumption is included in the application;
- annexes to fuel purchase invoices;
Case study – Taxes and fuel prices in Romania
Within the European Institute for Economic Studies, a study was carried out by three academics (from the University of Bucharest, ASE Bucharest and Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca), regarding the taxes and excises applied to the production, distribution and marketing of fuels in Romania. According to the study, they are responsible for a significant part of the price paid by final consumers. (data was analyzed when prices were lower than now)
The excise duty for diesel is 2,052.89 lei/ton (1.73 lei/liter), and the excise duty for gasoline is 2,458.10 lei/ton (1.89 lei/liter).
A liter of gasoline cost “at the pump” on April 25, 2022, on average, 7.84 lei, and diesel 8.72 lei. Without VAT and without excise duties, the liter of diesel would have cost 5.6 lei and the liter of gasoline would have cost 4.7 lei.
Analyzing the prices, it turns out that no less than 36% of those for diesel, respectively 39% of the amounts paid for gasoline, go to the state budget on account of excise taxes and VAT.
Radu Nechita, Prof. Dr. Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca claims that fuel prices influence the prices of all products on the market. So there is a domino effect that leads to a generalized increase in all prices, which influences the exchange rate used to calculate the excise duty. Thus, dealing with a vicious circle that contributes even more to the increase in the price of products and services and to the loss of Romanians’ purchasing power.
How other European countries have done it
Diesel and petrol prices have been capped at HUF 480 per liter in Hungary. This means that at an exchange rate of 0.0132 lei per forint, 6.33 lei per liter of gasoline and diesel.
This ceiling of 480 forints per liter has been imposed since last fall by the Hungarian government.
Later, as you may have found out, the legislation changed, being applied only to cars registered in that country, as fuel tourism was taking place.
At the beginning of May, the Minister of Energy, Virgil Popescu, said that each country makes its own price policy and to lower them, work must be done on reducing taxes, which belongs to the Ministry of Finance.
15 European states that decided to reduce fuel excises for different periods of time.
These countries are: Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia and Sweden.
Beyond all this, carriers must also take into account other legislative changes brought to the mobility package such as: IMI Declarations and 3.5 T Transport Licenses.
Get state aid simply and quickly
The field of transport is one in which changes often occur and it can be difficult to keep up with them, CargoTrack comes to the aid of transporters with a series of solutions to make their work easier.
The time spent on documentation and drawing up the necessary documents for each driver can be saved with the help of the services we provide.
CargoTrack offers you free support and advice on the documents required in transport.
We thought that obtaining state aid can also be difficult for you, if a correct procedure for drawing up and submitting the documentation is not followed.
In this regard, you can ask for the help of the CargoTrack team, who will inform you, advise you and submit this file for you to the competent authorities.
How about we help you with these documents?
Don’t worry, you will receive FREE consultation every step of the way from our specialists, just to make this process as friendly as possible for you!
Because we have experts who are constantly studying the legislation and everything that is happening, we can help you get the state aid very easily.
This state aid scheme also has a limited budget, so we recommend that you apply as soon as possible to get it.