Continue reading this article and find out what the conditions are for transporting medicines.
The transport of pharmaceutical products is an extremely important process, which must be based on very well-developed and well-organized logistics. The rules in force must be known as well as possible and strictly observed. This is not only mandatory in terms of the law, but also a good practice to maintain a positive image of the business in front of partners.
Drug transport – what fleet managers need to consider
Operators who ensure the transport of medicines must consider several objectives and rules to comply with. In addition to the necessary and specific documentation, product safety is extremely important.
Practically, evasion, falsification, damage or contamination must be avoided, and these are clear responsibilities of the distributor.
The same can be said about the provision of special spaces that maintain the optimal temperatures and humidity within the recommended parameters, depending on the needs of the producers.
Also, during transport it is important to store these medicines according to the instructions received, if applicable. Any conditions that may expose the products and affect both their contents and packaging should be avoided entirely.
There are also cases where medicines must be transported under special conditions, as indicated by the manufacturers.
This means that the carrier is obliged to have a fleet properly equipped for such products. This is about vehicles that have an optimal interior temperature and the possibility of it being controlled as needed.
Moreover, concrete data on vehicle maintenance and car cleaning is required. Safety precautions should be taken seriously. To maintain them, any temporary storage should be reduced as much as possible.
If, during transport, the products are exposed to a risk or the temperature limits are exceeded, it is necessary to notify the distributor and the beneficiary of the medicines, in order to carry out some tests to establish the quality of the products.
Transport of cold medicines – how to monitor the process

If you’re a fleet manager and you’re going to be transporting medicine, you probably already know that you have a responsibility to ensure that every single vehicle and every piece of storage, handling and dispensing equipment is properly fitted.
The first and most important responsibility you have is to constantly be in control of the temperature in the refrigerated containers. Because anything can happen, you have to be ready to fix every problem.
You can do this by monitoring the temperature, a very accurate sensor provided by CargoTrack. In this way, you will be automatically informed when errors occur and you will be able to make quick decisions that will help keep the medicines at the optimal temperature.
Also, monitoring your vehicles as accurately as possible is extremely important. You can know exactly the loading and unloading times, the routes traveled by the cars, the stops made and a lot of other details that you consider important.
It’s never too late to go for a premium GPS tracking package because it offers you a lot of benefits. You can monitor your fleet of vehicles in the smallest detail, analyze driving times, routes and orders or tachograph program violations, but not only.
This package is extremely complex and covers all the operational needs of your fleet. The main advantage is that it can be configured, becoming your own virtual assistant.
So these are the main things that fleet managers need to consider when it comes to the transport conditions of medicines. Monitoring your own fleet will bring you one step closer to success and a company that runs more safely and smoothly.
Learn more about Medical and Pharmaceutical GPS monitoring systems.