Many transport news websites and other experts compete in providing information on the subject of the “Mobility Package” that come to help fellow transporters with aspects related to legislation, fines, exemptions, application deadlines, etc.
Theory as theory, practice kills us!
Most of the time, carriers spend hours reading pages on the topic of the “Mobility Package” that seem to never end, and most often the following practical questions appear in their minds:
- What if I have a check?
- What documents do I need to prepare?
- Which countries have already been checked?
- How is a check carried out?
Most of the time I am left without a concrete answer…
Controls regarding the Mobility Package
Since the entry into force of the Mobility Package on February 2, 2022, according to the information we have from our carrier partners, we have analyzed how each of the countries has achieved the application of these measures.
So far we have collected a lot of information which you will find briefly detailed in this article.
As of 10/10/2022, based on the data collected, the countries that used the IMI portal the most to implement transport inspection were:
- Denmark
- France
- Austria
Good to know – the inspection is based on both the prior road check and the random selection of the IMI certificates carried out and registered in the platform.
The carriers that underwent the most inspections on the subject of the Mobility Package were from the following countries:
- Romania
- Poland
- Hungary
- Bulgaria
Top 5 documents most requested in controls:
- CMR / transport documents;
- The data recorded by the tachograph;
- Work contract;
- Payroll flyer;
- Proof of payments;
- IMI postings;
- Form A1;
- Tachograph (on paper – for vehicles without a tachograph, e.g. vans);

For example, in France road inspections have been tightened in terms of compliance with the regulation on the driving schedule, drivers of vehicles up to 3.5 tons, including those from abroad, must record their working and rest time when they are on the territory France.
This must be done from the moment they enter the country until they leave it.
Records of working time must be saved in a register specially created for this purpose (Livret individual de contrôle sur Carte de Control).
In the case of not having an Individual Control Book or another document confirming the working time, a penalty of 135 EUR will be applied in France (class 4 offence). This amount can be reduced to 90 euros or increased up to 750 euros
Beware of inattention…
Unfortunately, I have met many transporters who avoid preparing themselves with the appropriate documentation in case of an inspection, the reason being a simple one “I have never had an inspection, what is the point of wasting time and money obtaining these documents?”.
It should be noted that foreign control bodies, regardless of whether they are from Austria, Germany, France or Italy, are starting to intensify control actions and severely punish “unprepared” carriers.
Recommended documents when driving on European roads
From our experience and the recommendations of specialists, it is good to have the following documents on board the vehicle in case of inspection:
- The employment contract (translated into the language of the country it is transiting);
- the CMR;
- IMI statement;
- Macron certificate (where applicable);
- Form A1;
- Tachograph (on paper) for vehicles that do not have a tachograph;
- The necessary documents for any driver: (identity card, driver’s license, necessary certificates).