What is a car fleet?
A car fleet is a group of vehicles owned by a transport, construction, food industry, courier company, etc. The current economic-administrative context requires diversity and dynamism, considering that time has become an extremely precious resource for carrying out activities and synthesizing information.
What is fleet management?
Any company that needs commercial vehicles to operate builds some form of fleet operation and management.
The purpose of fleet management is to control and streamline the performance and maintenance of your fleet to increase productivity and help your business run at its best.
Fleet managers are in charge of fleet operations and have responsibilities that include fleet maintenance, monitoring fuel consumption, fuel costs, organizing drivers, assets, planning routes and implementing actions that could increase company productivity.
Industry 4.0
…..or the fourth industrial revolution is the change that carriers need to keep pace with market demands.
Choosing a telematics solution to streamline processes and their activities through a flexible and intuitive system is a priority.
Even if for years or decades, those working in the transport industry have been accustomed to a classic work flow, they must be aware that the digitization of processes and integration with new systems are the winning cards for the business environment.
It is certain that car fleets can no longer be managed with paper and pen alone.
The advantages of IT products are very well defined and have become an important factor of change in the field of transport.
Efficiency, increased productivity, flexibility or cost reduction are just some of the advantages of the evolution of transport companies through digitization.
Complex integrations, transparency and automation of processes have verified and proven effects.
The effort of entrepreneurs who manage car fleets is simplified and they can manage their activities without any deviation from the standards set at the beginning.

Car fleet management + telematics solution – a winning combination
Car fleet management and fleet management – are debated, analyzed and continuously developing topics. They are themes that launch challenges for any fleet, regardless of its size.
As fleets adopt more and more technologies to keep pace with large competitors, fleet managers are responsible for optimizing operations, coordinating systems, technologies and employees.
The key to success is finding a balance between declining capacity and consistent demands. Here we can mention the labor crisis, the explosion of fuel prices, the legislative changes in the industry.
In this context, telematics solutions are the defining answer for streamlining activities. This reduces operational costs and increases the efficiency of the company’s work flows.
The last few years have been pivotal in how fleets are managed, as managers have begun to realize the impact that a well-managed fleet can have on turnover.
Fleet management is more than purchasing and maintaining vehicles. Driver management, compliance, operational efficiency, environmental impact, are essential aspects that administrative teams in the transport industry must take into account.

Looking for ways to simplify the operational flow of the fleet you manage? We have the solutions!
We have the solutions adapted to the needs of any carrier:
Automatic remote tachograph download
Automatic toll payment machine
eTMS – Soft transport management